
Some Sydney happy snaps!

So I recently spent some time in Sydney where I had a fabulous time! I flew over alone on the 17th, and stayed with my aunty, uncle and two cousins until the 29th. I also turned 17 over there (on the 27th). Most of my time was spent shopping, and as I gradually start to wear my new clothes I will make some more outfit posts. While I was in Sydney, I also visited a friend in the Blue Mountains and went to the Harry Potter exhibition, which can I say was fantastic!

Some of my purchases. Note that there are many more where they came from - I just don't have pictures!

The red velvet cupcakes that my cousin made for my birthday!

My first experience with the cup of an American college student.

My ticket to the Harry Potter exhibition!

Macaroons - too good.

Heaven for the mouth.



One's first post on a new blog is always daunting. What to say? What pictures to include? What witty one-liners should I add in just to cement my own hilarity? In order to avoid all of these first-post qualms, I decided that the most appropriate way for me to welcome myself to the blogosphere of blogspot was to blog a picture of the 'genius' (or bored and fashion-obsessed teenager of mediocre intelligence) behind this blog.

Greetings! This is me when I dip-dyed my hair purple a few months ago.
That's all folks!